Business grows because of the people who create it

“Business is about relationships between people not numbers, if it were otherwise, the richest people would be mathematicians,” is what Jan Kulczyk said about relationships in business. 

Business operations are largely about building relationships and making contacts, which are the foundation of many successful businesses. We are very fortunate to work with people we trust and respect. They make the work of building our business a real pleasure. Exchanging experiences allows us to change our perspective, see new opportunities, but also gain confidence in action. 

Someone will ask: “Is it worth writing about? We will answer – it is worth it, because every new, built, permanent and positive business relationship is a success and great satisfaction from cooperation. 

We work with...


We cooperate with the Faculty of Philology at the University of Lodz. We are honored to serve on the Business and Employers Council of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz. We conduct classes for students in the form of a seminar: Competencies of the Future – Skills of Tomorrow.


Our website was created and is growing with the help of ONEBIT company and Mr. Piotr Popławski. We receive professional support from him, as well as a lot of valuable business inspiration.

Robert Pastryk

Working with Mr. Robert Pastryk, his  colleagues and partners is an amazing business adventure.  In this partnership, professionalism, joy of creation, incredible synergy dance together.